Mastering Money Mindset for Selling Premium Offers

Mastering Money Mindset for Selling Premium Offers

I’d like for you to imagine this.

Imagine that you have already gotten to the point where you can make a premium offer. You can already sell a service at $100k to the exact people that you want to work with. And frankly, You have already worked with some of the biggest names in your chosen niche.

That likely sounds like an ideal scenario for you right now.

Now imagine that you have the potential to do so much more.

The challenge is that you’ve convinced yourself that $100k is the limit. You’ve sold at that level, so you figure you have to stick there.

Imagine if that was in fact a $500k offer. Imagine if you in fact have a $500k offer that you’ve massively undervalued. Imagine if you then make the switch to $500k and started selling at that level in the blink of an eye.

Why am I taking you down this path of imagination?

It’s to show you that even people who operate at the luxury and premium level can run into money mindset issues. They can have blockages that stop them from reaching the level that they should get to with their offer.

Now, let’s focus on you.

Right now, some of you are like him, struggling with increasing your offer. You’re likely struggling with the concept of making a premium offer, to begin with. And $100k from a single client seems like a big ask based on your current model.

That’s only because you haven’t mastered the money mindset.

In this article, I’m going to share some tips that should help you along. But before we get to that, you need to understand the scale of the challenge you face.

The Big Money Challenge

The biggest challenge that you face with money is the perception that you have of its value. If the simple idea of selling at $100k, $250k, or $1 million gets you hot under the collar, we are in a little trouble to begin with and before we even get to creating offers and brand and targeting… well, mastering your premium money mindset HAS to be your priority. I spent quite sometime working on this myself.

Perhaps you’ve never personally invested at this level before, so your frame of reference is what happens in the movies or what you see on shows like Succession or Dallas where money is no object.  These dramatizations are truly fun to watch, but they aren’t the reality of high net worth individuals. So, if you cannot envision ever investing at this level and you’ve never had any experience with people at this level of net worth, it’s extremely hard to actualize a premium sale.

Perhaps you’ve become so adept at selling mainstream offers at a lower level that the idea of moving from $2k or $20k to hundreds of thousands or even millions in one transaction seems so outside of reality that you cannot see how anyone on your list, in your network or world would ever be able to pay this type of fee or even see the value in it.

Overcoming this perception is one of the biggest hurdles you face when creating a luxury offer or even a premium offer. You need to recognize that your preconceived notions don’t serve you. They’re not representative of reality. In every niche I’ve ever researched, I have been able to see a premium position. I have been able to see people who invest at this level.   

I’ve yet to meet a niche yet where there isn’t a premium position to take.  Whether you claim it or not is simply down to you.  Letting go of the money issues that don’t serve you.  Letting go of the mainstream strategies that are keeping you small.

I understand that it’s a difficult concept to grasp when you haven’t worked at the premium level before. Here are five tips I have researched that should help you master the premium money mindset and perhaps even a luxury mindset, so your preconceived notions will stop holding you back.

Premium Money Mindset Tip #1 – Believe in Your Value

Believing that you offer enough value to justify a premium or luxury price tag is so important. You’ve got to get inside the head of your ideal client and work out what they want from your offer. What are their deepest desires and how can you make them come true?  How can you expand the vision of possibility for them?

More importantly, you also need to get clear on the perception that your ideal client has of your offer.  Let’s assume that you grew up in an environment where money wasn’t always easily available. Later, you started a business and didn’t have the premium level of success that you wanted. Furthermore, you’ve never made an investment on the same level that you’re going to ask a client to invest in.  All of these scenarios create the preconceived notions that I talked about earlier. Plus, they make it harder for you to see the value of your offer in the context of how your ideal client perceives it.  That’s because you’re seeing it instead through the lens of somebody who’s never invested at that level.  

Know that you’re the expert in your niche and you offer something that nobody else can. More importantly, know that the people you’re going to work with have a different perception of money compared to the one you have right now.  And know that you have every right to feel confident in the value and transformation that you provide.

Premium Money Mindset Tip #2 – Don’t Listen to the Gurus Who Tell You That Premium Tops Out at $25,000

There are a lot of gurus out there who claim that premium offers top out at the $25,000 range. They’ll even tell you that you’ll only hit that sort of number if you’re really lucky.  Some gurus also try to tell you that making $2,000 offers is the right way to go. They teach that high volume at this low level will allow you to build a strong business.

From my studies, this is just because it’s the only way mainstream business strategists and coaches know.  They have no experience selling something for $100k+++ or in the millions per offer. 

If someone is telling you that something is not possible, always have a healthy amount of scepticism.  Ask yourself why they are saying that.  Is it driven by envy?  Lack of experience? Personal inability?

Find the evidence and be around people who “get” your goals, not people who quash them.

Premium Money Mindset Tip #3 – Understand That There’s a World of Clients Willing to Invest at a Premium Level

When I first started studying how to grow a luxury business, I studied the advice of some of the biggest names in the coaching and strategy space. I mean EVERYTHING around – courses, masterminds, communities, challenges – if there was a launch, I was studying it.  I took everything in.  I was the proverbial sponge.

And, what I learned was to double down on mainstream – volume, low prices, start at the bottom.  All the things I had done in the earlier aspect of my business that I wasn’t excited to replicate.

So I found “high ticket” – the world of **gasp** $6,000 and $15,000 offers… but I wasn’t attracting abundance.  I wasn’t acting in abundance.  I wasn’t living up to my possibilities, in my vision of true global impact.

It took a while for me to find a people that I resonated with where I could paint my vision of expanded possibility. I studied and studied luxury brands and studied myself and my personal brand. I got several eureka moments and realised that I needed to do to stake my claim at the very top of the market I wanted to dominate.

All of this is to say, I discovered that if you stake a claim at the top of your niche and you position yourself there, and you follow the guidance with targeting your ideal clients, you’ll find that there ARE in fact people in every niche willing to invest at a premium and luxury level.

Premium Money Mindset Tip #4 – Don’t Let Somebody Else’s Perception of Value Affect Your Own

When I made the transition to premium offers, I let go of the old perceptions of my value. I realized that those perceptions didn’t come from my own understanding of my value. They came from somebody else’s.  I’d allowed others to influence my own beliefs around the value of money and my position in the market.  I’d followed the gurus and even family and allowed the wrong segment of the market to determine my price. That’s what’s happening with you, too. You’re talking to the wrong people, which means you can’t see the real value of what you bring to the table. You’re trying to sell your best work at a low-ticket value, which reinforces the perception. The lesson here is to know what you’re worth. Don’t allow other people’s opinions of your value to influence your own perception of it.

Tip #5 – Focus on the Experience (As Well as the Outcome)

Aagh, networking.  Yes, I know.  I know.  But all of the marketing and sales done at a premium level is about connections and relationships; and in order to create relationships with ultra high net worth individuals or decision-makers at brands that invest at this level; you have to BE with them and you have to BE COMFORTABLE with them.

So get out there and experience what they experience.  Be part of that world.

Never stepped into a 7 star resort before?  Make it happen.  Never been to the premier event for your niche before where the super stars hang out?  Make it your business to be there.

Seek out the people you need to meet to make deals.

Be that person. Seek it out.  Target the right rooms.  You’ll soon feel a part of the premium world.

Mastering Mindset Leads to Results

Letting go of what does not serve you is a good mantra for every facet of your life, but most especially when it comes to stepping into an elevated, premium position for your business.  You do have to be truly truthful with yourself along the way.

These Money Mindset tips should get you started in the best possible way, read more of my content for inspiration.

It will be worth it, I promise.

P.S. Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

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