THE Nucleus

This is My VIP club.

This is for Coʳᵉ-noisseurs who have acquired my Globe Empire Timepieces, with whom I have deeply explored The Core (Outer Core & Inner Core) with my Experiences, Retreats and Ventures, and who are invited to go even deeper with me. They elevate to being Nurturer8 (pronounced nurturers).


I take these individuals and entities - the Nurturer8, into my VIP club; into my sorority-type experiences. This is a Secret-Society, a sorority-type experience for my top-tier clients. This is my VIP club at my highest level, extremely gated off. Here I provide curated experiences that I have personally organised. These experiences are completely crafted by me as my most exquisite experiences. This is me behaving as the Icon I am. My deepest-tier clients get to go on these exquisite experiences with me which I get to create and craft for them; They are coming to me and we are exploring my deepest teachings and learnings… and more.

I do this two to three times a year, taking these individuals and entities on beautiful private experiences, where they are going deep, deeply learning, deeply experiencing something that truly is at the very highest end of the market. As this aspect is ridiculously experiential, it is thus for the highest end of my market.

It is invitation only. My Secret Sauce. My Alumni. Once you’re in here, you’ll never want to leave.

Due to the nature of the contents on the inside of the Nucleus, lifetime availability is extremely limited.

Max 8 Nurtur8 a year.

2M EUR for annual access / Year.