Create. Properly Create. Because Pretending to Create is Keeping You Small.

Create. Properly Create. Because Pretending to Create is Keeping You Small.

“If you merely replicate competition, there is no point to your existence.”


Do something different.

I know A LOT of the people echo this sentiment publicly mean well. They believe they are truly creative and creating and innovating and leading.

But, they’re just NOT.

There is a whole category that very few entrepreneurs really, truly understand and enter.

Iconic Polymathic Artistry.

Aaah, Iconic…

There is a vast difference between those who follow the market in the mainstream of art collecting and those who are Iconic Art Aficionados.

Iconic Art Aficionados have no competition. They are able to choose to pay no attention to what the market is saying around them. Once they onboard through my Art Portfolio and into my Globe Muse Holding Pool, They don’t look backward or sideways. They only look forward. They create a unique and innovative pathway with their gifts. They’ve got a legend, a history, a narrative that’s built into their persona and their collection that goes much deeper than a typical art brand story. They are treated differently. They are treated with reverence and awe. They listen more carefully and emulate more fervently. Iconic Art Aficionados behave like they deserve every accolade, dollar, and award, celebrating their extraordinariness alongside their followers.

Sounds lofty, right? And it is. But not to a true pioneering Art Aficionado. Not to someone who is supremely frustrated by everything holding them back to be true creators of the globe’s future.

Iconic Art Aficionados.

  1. They have significant, audacious goals.

  2. They are extreme pioneers. Revolutionaries.

  3. They create a category of one.

  4. They aggregate into a Holding Pool of One.

  5. They have a unique point of view.

  6. They have brave, polarizing opinions.

  7. They are producers, bringing ideas into action.

  8. Their personal brands are inexorably attached to their business.

  9. They have multiple streams of income.

  10. They have supreme magnetism.

  11. They have devoted, evangelical fans.

  12. They have created what I call a Disruptive Legacy: They shaped the world, creating extraordinary change that will last well beyond their lifetime.

  13. Last but not least, they have one thing in common, My Art Portfolio.

Measure My Iconic Art Aficionados against those 13 traits, and they fit every time.

Moving from Traditional Collecting to Iconic Art Aficionado

All of those hundreds of amazing entrepreneurs who were so taken with the idea of doing something different, might be extremely pleased to know that Iconic Art Aficionado stature is available to them by unlearning all of the mainstream art collecting strategies they have been conditioned to acquire by.

Enter into an Upgraded Strategy – it starts with you (not the market). Decide upon the Timeless Moment I will be coming to paint at. Enter my Holding Pool. Network. Upgrade your magical world (create what YOU know to be extraordinary and TRUST that), Roll with like-minds who you want to work with (start at the top, hold steady), gate yourself off (become truly untouchable and lead properly as the pied piper), innovate and create and grow (I mean REALLY not that pretending stuff where you take what someone else has done and make some tweaks and call yourself a creator or innovator or leader), and let your audience pay to experience you (and your pricing has no ceiling, think commanding $40m deals and more etc). And beyond this is building your Iconic Empire where you think expansively about commercial opportunities outside of what you’ve created so far. Build even more multiple wealth streams.

That paragraph right there might be the most important paragraph you could read as a potential Iconic Art Aficionado who is looking to acquire The Legendary, and create global impact.

The truth is you are not living your true potential as an art patron or art collector yet.

You’re dumbing yourself down.

You’re watering down your gifts.

You’re wasting your genius.

So, I beg of you stop wasting time pretending to already have a great art collection. Be an innovator and creator and leader as a collector.

Do it properly.

Become an Iconic Art Aficionado. It’s not easy. But it’s delicious and potent and magical and extraordinary. And those 40m deals… well. That’s just the start.

Come with me. Play big. Become Iconic Art Aficionado. Be a part of the greatest Art Portfolio to have ever existed. Build your Iconic Empire.

(Dr Abiose M O Haara)

P.S. Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

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I Create Iconic Art Aficionados