5 Reason You Should Be a Part of an Iconic Empire Art Portfolio & BUILD YOUR ICONIC EMPIRE

5 Reason You Should Be a Part of an Iconic Empire Art Portfolio & BUILD YOUR ICONIC EMPIRE.

Iconic Art Aficionados are one of a kind. They have a good eye for acquiring Great Art. The very best at what they do. They are true Icons.

They are elite experts, entrepreneurs, founders — working in real estate, coaching, metaphysical work, law, literally any niche—who are looking to build more.

They’ve built extraordinary and exciting personal brands. They’ve reached the highest levels and they’re ready to go beyond that. So now they’re looking for what’s next. 

But what’s next after extraordinary success? 

It’s a disruptive legacy.

It’s an Iconic Empire. It’s An Iconic Art Collection. It’s Collecting An Iconic Empire Polymathic Artist.

An Iconic Empire is multiple wealth streams established for generational impact.

It’s built for longevity based on a luxury business model (NOT the mainstream business model we’re all used to). It has moved beyond ego to mission-based work.

On top of that—for your clients and devoted fans—it’s an immersive, multimedia, magical world that gives your audience multiple ways to learn from you and experience your pioneering vision and powerful ideas.

An Iconic Empire elegantly elevates your work and life. 

It changes the lives of your audience, your team, and your family. 

Build your Iconic Empire to leave a legacy

Truly great work like yours should live on for years to come; it should impact and affect people for generations to come.

Think of how Steve Jobs’s work has outlasted him… 

And beyond the societal impact of a disruptive legacy, building an Iconic Empire creates generational wealth.

If you have kids, your kids can attend any college they like without worrying about tuition. You can pass on incredible, luxurious, income-generating properties around the world to your grandkids. You can set up trusts and create safety nets for everyone you love. Your nieces and nephews can explore new places and new cultures together.

An Iconic legacy creates ultimate freedom through its impact on your world.

No one on the planet is creating a portfolio quite like mine. None even come close. I create Iconic Art Aficionados through the portal of Live Event Painting. I create this portfolio specially giving it intention of being a collection of works that are part of global impact. I challenge my Iconic Art Aficionados to enjoy a great space of networking, my Holding Pool, and bring about Global Impact; with the Globe Muse as the nexus.

Imagine the amount of lives you can impact through a path manifested through great minds - Leonardo daVinci and other Great Polymaths.

Build Your Iconic Empire to Leave A Legacy.

Build your Iconic Empire to take control

Build your Iconic Empire and take control of your destiny. With an Iconic Empire, you're the one setting the prices, crafting the products and services you desire, and boldly communicating your unique message to the world.

You wield unparalleled potency and power, shaping your path with intention and purpose. Embrace the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, one that resonates with your values and aspirations.

Transform your vision into reality, igniting change and inspiring others to follow in your footsteps. As you build your Iconic Empire, you step into the driver's seat of your life, guiding it towards greatness with confidence and determination. Your journey is a testament to your strength, creativity, and unwavering commitment to success.

When you’ve got an Iconic Empire, you’re in the driver’s seat. YOU set the prices. YOU create the products and services that YOU want to offer. And YOU communicate your bold, one-of-a-kind message.

You truly create in true potency and power.

Now Imagine doing this with an investment that is born out of this philosophy itself?! The power of your investment is endless.

Build your Iconic Empire to build greater wealth

An Iconic Empire comes with Iconic wealth. Private island money. Megayacht money. Scholarships-named-after-you money.

And with that Iconic wealth comes true freedom.

Hire people to do the things that take up your time and don’t require your genius: housekeeping, cooking, scheduling social media, pitching media.

It gives you the space to joyfully create. Actualize. Innovate. Pioneer.

You can take long, deeply restorative vacations.

Donate money to causes that are important to you —huge amounts of money that can make a real difference in this world.

Make investments that will benefit your family for generations.

Build your Iconic Empire to be a true leader

When you’re the head of an Iconic Empire you have the space—creatively, professionally, financially—to truly lead.

You can afford to hire the best of the best for your team, pay them what they’re worth, and nurture them as they grow their skills.

You lead your niche from the very top. You completely rewrite, restructure, rework how your industry operates. 

You may even change the way your colleagues think about their own career trajectories.

Build your Iconic Empire to increase your impact

Icons change lives, all over the planet. Iconic Art Aficionados do this sophisticatedly, with a great piece of art linked to greatness.

Imagine a woman in Hong Kong, recommending your book to her friends over cocktails. A stockbroker in New York buys your product … and then gives it to all his friends for Christmas. A stressed mom watches your videos from her apartment in Sydney and feels seen for the first time in ages. A child born in poverty in Monrovia gains inspiration to evolve their country through your existence.

When you step into your zone of genius, your work is extraordinary.

And when you transform that into an Iconic Empire it reaches more people and allows your genius to have the impact it deserves. 

When your work has an Iconic impact, people divide their lives into “before” and “after” they encountered you. 

And when you do this with while being linked to Great Iconic Art Aficionados, the limit is limitless.

(Dr Abiose M O Haara)

P.S. Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

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