11 Traits That EVERY Icon Uses to Their Advantage

11 Traits That EVERY Iconic Art Aficionado (IAA) Uses to Their Advantage

What defines an IAA as truly… Iconic?

It encompasses various aspects, some of which are fleeting. Deep within, they harbor bold aspirations and audacious objectives. They reject mediocrity and aim for impactful, legacy-making change.

Icons embark on a journey to unlock their inner brilliance, shedding anything that hinders their progress. They then utilize their greatness to spearhead a transformative movement. Icons exude confidence, embracing recognition, wealth, and praise while inspiring others.

It may seem lofty, yet it's within reach. While Icons possess inherent charisma, vision, and bravery, they also nurture specific traits to complement these qualities.

I've pinpointed 11 such traits, essential for leading revolutionary change. Some demand effort, while others are innate, but all are integral to enduring, contemporary Icons. By cultivating these traits, you can elevate yourself to the stature of an Icon.

1. IAAs possess lofty, daring aspirations.

I'm not referring to aspirations for wealth or status; I'm discussing genuine ambition. Renowned producer Shonda Rhimes once remarked, "I used to say, half-jokingly but with serious intent, 'I want to conquer the world through television.'" Now, that's an ambition worthy of an Icon.

My audacious path is the embodiment of Globe Muse.

2. IAAs are radical trailblazers.

My greatgrandmother became the first female political party leader, first female political party founder, first female to own a theatre troupe and first woman to own a travelling theatre troupe. Her premature death led to the coming together of the two rival trade unions at the time, in appreciation of her efforts. She was a radical trailblazer, without a doubt.

I am bringing together and holding a space for multimillionaires and multibillionaires worldwide into my holding pool by onboarding them with iconic “globe empire” works of art; to through my sophisticated polymathic and artistic minds eye creating global impact.

3. IAAs create a league of one

Individuals at this caliber operate in a league of their own. They disregard competition, focusing solely on forging ahead with their unique and innovative approach. Walt Disney exemplified this ethos throughout his illustrious career, solidifying his enduring legacy.

I have no competition worldwide.

4. IAAs possess a distinctive perspective.

Icons blaze their own trails, rejecting conformity. Consider Deepak Chopra, advocating meditation's power to reverse aging. Consistently championing this philosophy, he solidifies his iconic stature.

I champion the philosophy that complete global elevation, with no human left behind is inevitable. As is decrease of the loss of earths species, with an increase being inevitable.

5. IAAs have brave, polarizing opinions

When Elon Musk proclaimed something along the lines of "We reject single-planet existence; we strive for multi-planetary life," he fearlessly expressed his unique and provocative perspective. All Icons embody this boldness.

I as a black woman of humble background leads and elevates a global collection of multimillionaires and multibillionaires.

6. IAAs are creators, transforming concepts into reality.

No Icon settles for mere words; they turn their ideas into tangible results. Rihanna exemplified this by creating Fenty Beauty to address the lack of diversity in cosmetics, turning her vision into a GROUNDBREAKING reality.

With little to line my pockets, I took the leap into positioning in luxury marketing, to create.

7. IAAs' personal brands are inseparable from their business endeavors

Just like Oprah Winfrey, whose name is synonymous with her media empire, their identity is intertwined with their professional achievements. Every Icon has got a legend, a history, a narrative that’s built into their persona that goes much deeper than a typical brand story.

8. IAAs have multiple streams of income

No one whose brand is truly Iconic has a single wealth-generating strategy in play. Icons know that their ideas and impact should be spread through multiple avenues. Paris Hilton illustrates this beautifully, as someone who leverages TV, retail, music, books, investments, and brand partnerships to grow her empire.

9. IAAs possess supreme magnetic allure

Icons command profound respect and admiration, evoking attentive emulation. Their charisma and allure, akin to Oprah Winfrey's captivating presence, captivate audiences both in person and on screen.

10. IAAs have fervent, devoted followers

They ardently advocate for their cause, akin to the fervent followers of Beyoncé, whose steadfast support propels her to iconic heights. Mere social media followers or book sales won't suffice; I'm referring to legions of individuals willing to travel far and spend generously to witness your presence or performance.

11. IAAs establish what I term a Game-Changing Legacy.

They've moulded the world, instigating remarkable transformations that endure far beyond their own existence. They've left an indelible mark on the world, sparking profound transformations that will resonate for generations to come, shaping the course of history in ways that transcend their own lifetime.

Building An Iconic Empire For Yourself
Acquire Globe Empire Art While Doing So.

(Dr Abiose M O Haara)

P.S. If you read through these traits and realized you’ve got all of them, you’re ready for the next step! Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

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