How I Stepped Into My Inner Icon (The Practical Steps)

How I Stepped Into My Inner Icon (The Practical Steps)

I am a firm believer in the transformative potential of embracing your inner Icon — the part of you that radiates brilliance, exudes confidence as a top-tier authority, and embraces the wealth of life-changing opportunities that follow suit.

When I emphasize the importance of embodying your Iconic self, the inevitable question arises: "Yes, I understand the concept, but how exactly do I achieve it?"

1. I Unlearned the patterns that were holding me back

Identifying where you're holding back is key. Are you inadvertently internalizing limiting beliefs? These patterns vary from person to person, but may involve:

1. Assuming your audience won't pay premium or luxury prices.

2. Downplaying your branding or copy to match others, rather than showcasing your exceptional work.

3. Trying to handle everything alone, neglecting your unique talents.

4. Believing you must price yourself similarly to competitors.

5. Undervaluing your services to attract more clients.

6. Getting lost in minor tasks like busy work, social media posts, replying to emails, instead of tackling significant, transformative actions.

Breaking these patterns unlocks higher income, time freedom, and amplified impact, propelling you closer to your Iconic potential.

Where are you holding yourself back? What limiting beliefs have you inadvertently internalized?

How I unlearned the patterns was that I kept evaluating my thoughts from as neutral a point of view as is possible. I felt like by not acting, I am depriving people and other living creatures of the change I can bring to their lives.

2. I stopped listening to advisors and reps from the mainstream

It's time to break free from the conventional wisdom peddled by social media gurus, mainstream coaches, and traditional strategists. If their guidance truly worked, you wouldn't be seeking alternatives.

Consider this your official permission to unsubscribe from their newsletters, unfollow their Instagram feeds, exit those Facebook groups, and set aside their books.

Instead of leaning in, lean all the way out and tune into your inner Icon. Embrace a mindset that fosters next-level, ground-breaking iconic thinking.

3. I learnt how to tap into the genius that is already within me

Once you've purged your life and mind of mainstream nonsense, tap into the inherent brilliance that resides within you.

Consider revisiting that seemingly "unrealistic" idea that once ignited your excitement. Experiment with an offering that breaks new ground, something your niche has never seen. Dare to express opinions that may startle your industry peers but ring true to your convictions.

That's the essence of tapping into the genius that's already within you.

4. I discovered how to become a TRUE leader

A genuine leader transcends mere meeting facilitation and office occupancy. Yet, if your exposure has been to conventional leadership, envisioning what true Iconic leadership entails can be daunting.

Your interpretation of Iconic leadership will be unique, but it may involve:

  • Assembling a team of exceptional individuals dedicated to your vision, compensating them accordingly.

  • Voicing the unspoken truths pervading your industry, demonstrating courage where others hesitate.

  • Pioneering new products, services, and business models, defying industry norms.

  • Taking bold stances on pivotal issues, advocating publicly and resolutely.

  • Setting an example for your team and peers by achieving monumental feats WHILE prioritizing family time. Generating substantial income - 7, 8, 9 figures - in a niche previously deemed unattainable, in a niche everyone thought required “accessible price points.” Securing prominent roles like big TV roles without relying on social media presence; with even zero social media presence!

5. I liberated myself from the mainstream mindset and conventional thinking

Extricating myself from the mainstream mindset is some of the most challenging work I have ever had to undertake.

After years in mainstream marketing and experiences, it can be surprisingly difficult to recognize its influence; how much you’ve internalised it.

Like fish unaware of living in water until they hop out, stepping into your inner Icon means leaving behind conventional thinking.

Shed the belief that new offerings require exhaustive follower polling or that low-priced content is the path to success.

Such approaches stifle genius. That approach to business and marketing bores and burns out geniuses like you.

Embrace your inner Icon by breaking free from these constraints and embracing new possibilities.

The sooner you release it, the sooner you can step into your inner Icon.

6. I Allowed myself to think and act expansively

I spent time thinking to myself, what if I gave myself over to imagining what is truly possible for me and my work? What if I stopped putting a ceiling on my dreams?

What if I observed when I subconsciously limit myself and make that thought pattern evolve. What if I spent time “actionising” “big dreams” of six-figure launches, flying first class, flying private jet even, or getting a book deal. Though (albeit a Cessna), flying private has already happened for me with my husband as the pilot! Alright, lets dream bigger then; owning our runway with our private airplane…

I have to have faith in my greatness. I have to nudge myself towards what I know I am actually capable of: 9-figure artworks. Flying private, buying my own plane. Writing a New York Times bestseller … that gets optioned for a movie. Landing multi-million dollar deals that’ll create massive impact in the lives of people worldwide.

Finally doing what I know I was put on this planet to do.

Once I got comfortable with thinking expansively, my next Iconic move was to start acting expansively. remember my word “Actionising!” I put it into my thought process, right from the start.

Booking a brand photoshoot with that famous photographer.

Booking a brand videoshoot with that famous videographer.

Raising my rates. Exponentially

Creating and being a part of a community filled with people who are operating at my level and much higher — people who won’t be shocked when I mention which company or elite family I am consulting and painting for now at 8 figures or that I am looking at yachts to add to my collection; so I can create global impact.

(Dr Abiose M O Haara)

P.S. Want to learn more about navigating your brand through becoming an Iconic Art Aficionado? Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

It will be worth it, I promise.

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