The Roadmap That Will Help You Find Your Own First $100k Client

The Roadmap That Will Help You Find Your Own First $100k Client

When you make a premium offer, you’re asking a client to invest $100k or more into your service.

For most, this number seems like a huge deal. $100k seems like a benchmark that’s unachievable to somebody who works in the low or medium end of their niche.

For the first few years in my career, my company’s average sale came in at $1500. The events were few and far between because people were always trying to haggle to lowest prices. The cost of advertising, participating in fairs, travelling put my company in the red several years in a row. I needed to step up my game.

The point is. That’s a long way from $100k.

And it was only after repeated approaches from potential clients that I should reduce my prices, and that my prices where higher than those all around the world; while simultaneously thinking to myself about who I know I am, where I come from, and what I am capable of; that I started to think differently.

The idea to become a Globe Muse, an iconic influencer of sorts was in my mind. I decided I wanted to turn this vision of mine into a passion business while bringing in what I was already passionate about, live event painting. To be precise, I wanted to go back to my roots, do what I love, and work with entrepreneurs and entities who think as big as possible; and then bigger.

I realized that I had so many skills as an artist and polymath, that I could grow myself as a Globe Muse and acquire fans that are powerful beings through which we together create global impact.

It was this realization, coupled with the tips I’m going to share in this article, that helped me see that I could make a premium offer. I could charge $100k or more for the transformation that I create through art. I could create luxury assets for high net-worth and ultra-high net-worth individuals, some of whom will want to throw more than money at my holding pool.

This is what I learned on the way to journey to making my first $100k offer.

Disclaimer: at the time of writing this, I have not secured my first offer. It is inevitable.

Premium Brand Lesson #1: Stop Thinking Small

I briefly mentioned this earlier, but it’s worth delving into further. When I began my research into digital marketing before launching Iconic Influencers, I observed a prevailing trend of starting small in sales strategy. The conventional wisdom suggested beginning with a low-priced offer, like $97, then gradually increasing to higher-priced offers, eventually reaching $15,000 or more.

However, I found this incremental approach undervalued the remarkable talent individuals possess. It also hindered progress by obscuring the true impact they could make. That's why I chose a different path. Instead of starting small, I began with my premium offer, affirming the immense value I could provide. This mindset shift allowed me to focus on finding the right audience for my offer, leading to my next insight...

Premium Brand Lesson #2: Pick and Choose Who You Work With

I had an epiphany about my $100k offer—it boiled down to just $8,500 per month. Once I reframed it this way, it seemed less daunting. With that mental block overcome, I dove into research, leveraging my intentional marketing system.

I pinpointed a few prospects who perfectly matched my ideal client persona. Before reaching out, I delved deep into understanding them— their location, their deepest desires. My aim wasn’t merely to provide a service; it was to forge genuine connections.

The key takeaway? A premium offer isn’t for everyone; it’s tailored to a specific client persona. The task is to identify that persona and reach out to them strategically.

Premium Brand Lesson #3: Structure Your Offer Around YOU and Those Chosen Clients

After selecting the ideal client, draft a cold email—a first direct communication with someone you’ve never met. Its important to develop a sense of familiarity, having researched them extensively. In your mind, you should have already formed the professional relationship you are aiming for.

A concise email, outlining who you are and what you believe you can achieve together. Tailor it to address the client's challenges and extended an invitation for a 15-minute call. The goal isn’t immediate sales but rather to introduce yourself and demonstrate your understanding of their needs.

Have authenticity in your approach, a refreshing change from their previous experiences. This authenticity should stem from the meticulous research and personalized structure of the email.

Premium Brand Lesson #4: Don't Let Fear Control You

The crafting of that initial $100k offer would be less daunting if approached from a place of privilege, confidence in your ability to deliver exceptional results. Maintaining this mindset is crucial when engaging with clients.

Resist the urge to let fear or doubt dictate your actions. Confidence in your value proposition is key—clients can sense uncertainty. Remind yourself of the immense value you provide and the transformative impact you facilitate. Embrace your identity and expertise to overcome any lingering apprehensions.

Premium Brand Lesson #5: Think Critically About Your Niche

I've touched on intentional marketing, which seamlessly leads to the concept of hypertargeting. This entails identifying an ideal client and delving deeply into their needs, tailoring your services accordingly.

You might believe that such clients don't exist within your niche. Take, for instance, videographers. You may assume none would invest $100k in coaching. However, there are high-end videographers working on million-dollar weddings who seek precisely the expertise you offer.

The key is to challenge your assumptions about your niche. Instead of dismissing the possibility, focus on the select few who will invest in your premium service. Conduct thorough research and acknowledge that within your niche, there are individuals willing to pay $100k or more for the right solution.

Premium Brand Lesson #6: Creating Scale, Leverage & Passive Income Comes Last

At the outset of this article, I discussed the common approach of starting small and gradually progressing to larger offers. This strategy often emphasizes creating passive income early on, which purportedly provides a foundation for transitioning to high-ticket and premium offers.

However, my studies has shown that prioritizing passive income should come later. Instead, the focus should be on securing 5 to 10 premium clients and delivering significant value. With each client paying $100k, this translates to an annual influx of $500k to $1 million into the business.

Once this robust cash flow is established, you can then consider developing passive income streams. At this stage, you'll be in a position to expand your team and extend offers at lower price points. While your team manages these offerings, you can continue working directly with premium clients. Having started with premium services, you'll have proven models to guide your ventures into the passive income realm, instilling greater confidence in your approach.

Start BIG and Never Stop!

Making a $100k offer may initially appear daunting. Yet, there are individuals within every niche who will indeed embrace such an offer. I've yet to encounter a niche unable to develop a premium offer. Securing the first $100k client lays the foundation for the thriving business you can operate in the future. Consider the transformative potential of landing your first $100k client—what impact could it have on your endeavours?

(Dr Abiose M O Haara)

P.S. Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

It will be worth it, I promise.

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