The Globe Muse Holding Pool

The Globe Muse Holding Pool

So here’s a great definition for you. "Globe Muse" refers to an individual or entity that serves as a source of inspiration or creative influence on a global scale. This term implies that the muse's impact transcends geographic boundaries and resonates with people across different cultures and regions. I am determined to bring about global impact.

Now let’s park that aside. Now, Holding Pool.


That was what I naively and erroneously called the spot several kilometres above land and the sea where my husband proposed to me. My becoming his co-pilot would become the seed in my memories that led to this day, to my bestowing upon my wonderful clients, collectors and patrons - Holding Pool

In piloting

My first understanding of a "holding pool" is that it is used to describe, in a training or educational context, a group of individuals who are undergoing pilot training but have not yet been assigned to active flight duty.

As I studied the word some more, while building my brand, I got to learn that it can also be used to describe a group of pilots who are on standby or awaiting assignment to a specific flight or mission.

It also refers to a designated area or airspace where aircrafts are kept temporarily before they are cleared to take off or land.

Let’s put a pin in these.

In Broad Terms

In broader term "holding pool" typically refers to a collection or reserve of resources, assets, entities or individuals that are kept in readiness for future use or deployment.

Globe Muse Holding Pool

Globe Muse Holding Pool is a curated group of individuals or entities - my clients, collectors and patrons who have boarded through acquiring Iconic Globe Empire Pieces; with all of whom I strategically maintain or nurture relationships with for future engagement or involvement in business activities or initiatives. Auxillarily it includes partners and collaborators, resources, assets, tactics and strategy.

(Dr Abiose M O Haara)

P.S. Want to dig deeper? Start by watching Abiosè’s MuseClass “Globe Muse” by clicking the button below.

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